
How to complete a one-page profile  

January 22, 2025
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A one-page profile is a form that captures important information about your child before they enter our Education Navigation pathway. It provides a snapshot of their needs, strengths, and preferences, making it easier for our advisers to deliver tailored support.

Here’s everything you need to know about how to complete it. 

What is a one-page profile?

A one-page profile captures essential information about your child under four headings:

  • What is important to me?
  • Likes and dislikes
  • How best to support me?
  • How best to communicate with me?

What is the purpose of a one-page profile?

A one-page profile ensures your child’s voice is heard throughout their Education Navigation journey, helping our team to view your child as an individual rather than just a student. It’s a practical way to understand what’s most important to your child and how they prefer to be supported.

We suggest your child completes the one-page profile themselves, with your supervision if necessary, so they can feel included and empowered in the process. This gives us a glimpse into their personality, learning style, and specific needs.  

Accessing your one-page profile

  1. Sign in. Start by signing into your ProblemShared client dashboard. 
  1. Go to forms. Click the “Go to forms” button. You can access your one-page profile from this page. 
  1. Download one-page profile. Click the “Download” button next to your one-page profile. This will open the form in a new tab. On the menu bar at the top of your screen, select File > Save As to download a PDF copy the one-page profile onto your computer.  
  1. Complete one-page profile. Use Adobe Acrobat to open the one-page profile, just like you did with your self-report form at the referral stage of your journey with us. If your child prefers, you can print it out instead, complete it with a pen, and then scan it back onto your computer.
  1. Upload one-page profile. Once you’re finished filling out the one-page profile, you need to upload it back onto your client dashboard so we can access it ahead of your online consultation. Click the “Upload” button next to the one-page profile, and select the saved file.   

Tips for completing your one-page profile

Involve your child:

  • Encourage them to take the lead in completing it, and to share their true thoughts and feelings for each section.
  • If they get stuck at any point, ask them some relevant, open-ended questions to help prompt their responses.
  • Ensure their voice is kept at the centre of the profile, reflecting their own personality and views.

Take your time on each section:

  • For “What is important to me?” you could include key friendships or routines your child values.
  • For “Likes and dislikes” you could list their favourite foods or hobbies, as well as what they prefer to avoid or find challenging.
  • For “How best to support me?” you could provide practical strategies that have worked for your child historically, such as preferred seating arrangements or learning tools.
  • For How best to communicate with me?you could share tips like using visual aids, simplifying instructions, or giving extra time for your child to respond.

Make the profile as well-rounded as possible:

  • Feel free to collaborate with teachers, family members, or therapists to see if they have anything valuable to include.
  • Consider what works for your child in different settings, like school or home, to identify helpful strategies.
  • Use concrete scenarios to illustrate challenges or preferences, making the profile more actionable for those supporting your child.

Make it engaging and clear:

  • Use simple language your child understands, so they can be a part of the conversation.
  • If your child prefers, they can use visuals to represent their thoughts and feelings alongside words, such as symbols or small images.
  • Organise the information as logically as possible, grouping related details together to make the profile quick and intuitive to read. 

How a one-page profile helps us support you

A one-page profile provides us with useful context ahead of your child’s online consultation and will act as a starting point for their journey through the Education Navigation pathway.

You can learn more about accessing our Education Navigation service on our dedicated page.

Approved by ProblemShared clinician:

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