Therapeutic Approach

REBT, Person-centred, CBT (General)

Membership body

BABCP (Accred.)

Years practicing

24 years

Issues worked with

Adoption, Attachment issues, Bereavement, Childhood abuse, Chronic fatigue, Chronic pain, Cultural identity, Dyslexia, Gambling, Gaming, Autism spectrum disorder, Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), Health anxiety, Identity issues, Multiple sclerosis, Personal growth/wellbeing, Physical abuse, Sexual abuse, Social anxiety, Insomnia, Physical health, Sexuality, Stress, Suicidal thoughts, Refugees and displacement, Alcohol, Cancer, Domestic abuse, Emotional abuse, Addiction, Bullying, Depression, Chronic or acute health conditions, Disordered eating, Anger, Parenting, Rape/sexual assault, Sexual identity, Sexual matters, PTSD, Phobias, Self-harm, OCD, Trauma, Work-related issues, Complex Grief, Menopause, ADHD/ADD, Abuse (unspecified), Anxiety (Worries, Fears, Panic), Grief/Loss, Romantic Relationships, Spirituality/Religion, Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Abortion, Adjustment/Changes, Bipolar Disorder, Brain Fog, Burnout/Fatigue, Confidence/Self-esteem, Divorce, Dyspraxia, Emotional Expression, Family issues/relationships, Financial concerns, Friendships, Gender identity (incl. dysphoria), Illness in the family, Immigration, Learning difficulties (general), Low/Depressed Mood, Parental Alcohol/Drug Problems, Parental Separation/Divorce, Perfectionism, Post-Natal Depression (PND), Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), Public Speaking/Performance Anxiety, Relationships with Academic Staff, Sleep Problems.

Special interest areas

Chronic conditions Camhs Family therapy I have been working in CAMHS, and LAPT for 15 years. In family therapy, using solution focus therapy. I also was a chronic pain therapist in Montreal general hospital. I've working in couples counselling services..

Personal Statement

I am a warm, caring and supportive therapist. Who can help you quickly relax and discuss your situation without judgement. Having 25 years of CBT NHS experience has given me confidence in supporting your needs. I will offer you regular sessions according to your availability and needs. You will find me to be genuine, honest, supportive and professional.